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Tarifele de examinare se pot achita online aici sau prin casieriile AR, cel mai târziu înainte de începerea examinărilor:

   - Taxa de examinare teoretică este de 28 de euro la care se adauga TVA.
   - Taxa de examinare practică este de 25 de euro la care se adauga TVA.

Scheduling theoretical examinations

Programming is done on the basis of the programming platform, which can be accessed by pressing the button below.

For more details on electronic programming click here.


!!! Candidații pot susține reexaminare la o materie doar după 14 zile de la ultima susținere a respectivei materii. Sistemul de examinare ia în calcul inclusiv ora începerii și cea a finalizării examenului !!!


Registration and scheduling of candidates to take the theoretical examination is carried out by the candidate or

  by the training organization (ATO/DTO) where the candidate has successfully completed the training programme

  theoretical in order to obtain the license for which he is applying for the examination

- Payment of examination fees can be done online here or through AR cashiers at the latest before

  the start of the examinations.

- Candidates can only register after a minimum of two weeks from the date of the last examination.

- Candidates can schedule any session regardless of location. 

- Candidates can schedule with at least 5 days before the examination date.

- Candidates must have writing instruments and an ID on them.

- Ccandidates requesting the conversion of ICAO licenses will also schedule through the scheduling platform.

When making the appointment, candidates must check the place and time slot for the examination, presented

  in the platform, to avoid taking available places with applicants who do not appear for the exam.

- The examination regulation can be consulted here.

-The full list of theoretical exam sessions planned in 2022 and the location where they will take place can be found here.


Schedules for practical examinations

1. The skill test for obtaining the license and additional qualifications as well as the assessment of competence in

     viewing the obtaining of instructor and examiner certificates:


     Programming  candidates to take the practical examination is carried out by the training organization

     (ATO/DTO), for which the candidate has successfully completed the practical training program in order to obtain

     the license/qualification for which the examination is requested, by submitting at least 5 days before the examination support 

      practices, to the email address, of the following:

  • Annex 4eAppendix 5eAnnex 6e or Appendix 7e, as the case;

  • The name of the proposed examiner, and in the case of foreign examiners, the copy of the qualification documents held, including the medical certificate and contact details: his/her telephone and/or email address;

  • The type of aircraft, and for balloons, the registration of the aircraft is also added;

  • Place and time frame proposed for examination.

  • The certificate of completion of the theoretical and practical course carried out within an ATO/DTO in order to obtain the license for which you are applying, if it is not sent by email is mandatory so that the applicant can present it to the authorized examiner during the practical examination.



2. The skill test for license conversion as well as competency assessment In order to meet the recent experience requirements for instructors or to revalidate or renew examiner certificates:


Candidates' scheduling for taking the practical examination is carried out by the candidate or the proposed examiner at least 5 working days before taking the practical examination, at the email address, together with the documents/information specified in the point above.


3. Proficiency check to meet recent experience requirements:

     The appointment candidates for taking the practical examination is carried out by the candidate or the examiner 

      proposed at least 48 hours before taking the practical examination, to the email address, together with the following information:

  • The name of the proposed examiner, and in the case of foreign examiners, the copy of the qualification documents held, including the medical certificate and contact details: his/her phone number and email address;

  • The type of aircraft, and for balloons, the registration of the aircraft is also added;

  • Place and time frame proposed for examination.


Changes regarding the location, examiner name or examination date must be notified to the email address, at least 24 hours before the examination date.

You can find the list of authorized examiners here.

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